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Perspectives On the Impact of Transgender Policies & Politics
California's K-12
Enrollment Drops +34,000
"Sex-reassignment surgery is 'an experiment right now,' [McHugh] says. 'We’re doing an experiment. We have lots of publications that are telling us that the evidence base for these treatments is very low-quality.' There are 'not enough subjects, not enough good results—not enough anything. Not enough comparisons . . . that would make it evidence-based.' He says the Institutional Review Board should oversee all such surgery. It doesn’t."
Doctors Insist Canadian 14-Year-Old Needs No Parent Consent For Trans Hormone Injections (The Federalist)
A Message to Mayor Pete from a Latina Mama: “Don’t Force Your Sexual Ideology on Me and My Children”
(Public Discourse)
The Medical Scandal that the Mainstream Media Ignores
(Public Discourse)

A Wounded Lesbian’s Warning to the Loudoun County School Board Before Their Transgender Vote (The Stream)
My Daughter Identified As Transgender. I Was Powerless to Stop Doctors From Harming Her. (The Daily Signal)
In Their Own Words: Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out (Public Discourse)

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