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What Schools Are Doing

Materials & Curriculum Currently Being Used in Classrooms

Most people-- or at least anyone who's not complicit in the development of curricula that sexualizes and grooms children for sexual activities at earlier and earlier ages-- would be stunned to see what's happening in classrooms around the country. Below you will find some samples.

This guide to getting transgender ideology into schools was provided with Gender Spectrum's online Toolkit. Please note it has since been removed. It is unlikely that Gender Spectrum ever intended for anyone outside their community to recognize the War-Room approach they've taken to our schools.


From, on how to get transgender theory into schools via "Entry Points" [UPDATE 2019.8.12: Entry Points Info has been removed from site.]

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The Internal Entry Point aims to change the way people think about gender. In other words, they seek to re-form reality.

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The Interpersonal Entry Point aims to change the way people talk about gender. In other words, they seek to re-create language to suit and support their ideology.

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The Instructional Entry Point aims to shoehorn gender topics into every school class and club. This entry point is designed to make Family Life Education (sex-ed) opt-outs useless because gender ideology would be infused not only academics, but in the entire atmosphere and life of the school.

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The Institutional Entry Point aims to develop and enforce policy around transgender ideology. H.R. 5, or the so-called "Equality Act" is an example of this, in that it redefines personhood and obliterates any legal reference to a person's biological sex.


In schools transgender activists insist upon policies to "protect" trans- gender students, but these policies really give preferential treatment to self-identified transgender students, as well as eradicate privacies and protections for the rest of the student body, and give schools greater authority and autonomy over children than have their parents.

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This first-day of school questionnaire was shared on the Facebook  page "Sex Positive Families" by teacher Mx Ace Schwarz, GLSEN's Educator of the Year.


Take note of the question that specifically asks children if they want to have a secret between them and the teacher, keeping their parents in the dark.


Is the least trustworthy teacher in America more trustworthy than the most trustworthy parent? If the answer is "no" in even one case, then this is unacceptable.

Teachers Now Decide What Parents Get to Know About Their Own Kids

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"Here is an example of what my Get to Know You sheet looks like. I explain the purpose of each question so students understand exactly what I’m asking. I made this in Google Docs and printed two to a page so I could cut it in half. It’s super simple and nothing fancy. .


"These papers are for my eyes ONLY. I keep them in my class binders and use them as references throughout the year."

Substitute Teacher Training Materials:

This powerpoint presentation was provided to APC by a teacher who went through substitute training in Arlington Public Schools. While the slideshow is ostensibly about abuse, nine of the eleven slides focused entirely on sexual orientation and gender identity, with "very little attention given to other critical areas relating to the safety and well-being of all students in the classroom" (quote from the substitute teacher).

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The Genderbread Person & Gender Unicorn are being used in classes around the country. In Arlington they were discovered in the backpack of a ninth grader (whose parents don't speak English as a first language, and who received no warning that such material would be taught), and they were seen on the Smart Board of a middle school counselor's office, along with the question, "What Gender Are You?"


These graphics were created by "Young Transgender Volunteers" according to Safe Zone Project. Were the creators doctors, researchers, or even college students, one might expect that those credentials would be mentioned. No, these were designed by children, for children.


This book is on the shelf in Arlington Public Libraries, as well as many others. Is it on your child's school reading list?

"Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out" describes in graphic detail the childhood sexual experiences of a person who self-identifies as transgender. 


No healthy (never sexually exploited) six-year-old is interested in, thinking about, or experimenting with sex. A child who is doing these things has likely been sexually abused or groomed for sexual abuse, and those behaviors indicate such.


To advocate books such as this on school reading lists is abominable, or at the very least an indication of the educator's complete lack of understanding of child development, sexual health, and the most commonsense adult-child boundaries.

Picture Books on Transgender Themes for Pre-K & Kindergarten Children (In Classrooms Now)

Books in this genre for preschoolers and early elementary children aim to deconstruct what parents taught: that sex is binary and identifiable by physical attributes. They intend to replace long-known traditional and factual foundations of personhood with an ideology based solely on internal wish-fulfillment.

The NEA's Suggested Book for June 2019's Read Across America Calendar

An excerpt

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Books with Transgender Themes for Elementary Children (Also in Classrooms & Libraries)

Aged for kids in the elementary school years, these colorful and engaging books continue to teach children that their physical bodies have no bearing on who they are, that anyone who doesn't affirm their opposite-gender wish is a villain/bully, and that only people who agree with them about transitioning are their friends.

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Books with Transgender Themes for Middle & High School Students 

(Many On School Reading Lists)

A glut of transgender YA fiction and nonfiction is flooding the market. The plotlines are predictable and formulaic: courageous, gifted, and misunderstood transgender protagonist struggles against transphobic misanthropes in school, at home, and throughout society to discover his/her/their/zir/yadayada "true self".


The romantic heroism is gag-worthy.


The best one can say about this genre is that at least authors pandering to the latest youth craze have finally stopped writing about vampires and werewolves. 


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Queer Kid Stuff

LGBTQ+ Vids for Kids! ("For All Ages")



Please keep in mind that anyone can start a website, youtube channel, blog, or social media page, and then create content and call the material an "expert resource". 


APC has done that here as well. But if you have any questions about the data/research supporting our positions we'll be happy to provide it.


The trans team will just call you a transphobic bigot for even asking. Trust us, we know.

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