Our schools are not laboratories
and our children are not experiments.
Women's Liberation Front
endorses the Parent Resource Guide
Read APC co-founder's review of Irreversible Damage: the Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.
All parents can make use of this Parent Resource Guide, regardless of worldview or political stance. Science and reason informed the development of this guide, both of which provide solid common ground among people of all faiths and political allegiances.
Parents are the primary educators of their children. Though they may choose to entrust their child to a public school, parents are ultimately responsible for overseeing their children's education....
Students who identify as transgender deserve the same educational opportunities and resources as their peers and should be treated with respect. Schools must adopt truthful, compassionate, common sense policy solutions that do not threaten the privacy, safety, and dignity of any student.
The goal of this Guide is to protect students from harm stemming from irreversible treatments, privacy violations, and compelled speech, to educate parents about the transgender issue, and to equip parents to advocate on their child's behalf.
What's Happening in APS & the DMV
News About Sex & Gender Politics
What Can APC Help You With?
The Arlington Parent Coalition (APC) is a diverse group of Arlington Public School parents and community members, who are committed to safeguarding parents' rights to raise their children according to their family's values and beliefs.
APC is not affiliated with any faith, nationality, race, or creed.

Mission Statement
Arlington Parent Coalition (APC) is a group of parents, Arlington Public School staff, & community members in Arlington, VA, seeking policies in Arlington Public Schools which take into account the diversity of families living in Arlington. APC promotes APS policies which respect parents' constitutional right to maintain responsibility and authority over their children and their children's education, and to raise children according to the family's values. We affirm that
parents are ultimately responsible for the care and well-being of their children and therefore should be free from intrusive government involvement.
the role and jurisdiction of government is clearly prescribed by our Constitution and consequently should be restrained from excessive involvement in the lives of citizens.
the right of conscience and the right to practice faith according to personal beliefs are sacred and should neither be infringed upon nor denied.
The Arlington Parent Coalition was created on March 2, 2019, following the February 25, 2019 School Board Working Group meeting at Syphax Education Center, wherein policy issues regarding gender dysphoric students were discussed by a group of gender dysphoric students, adult representatives from a local gender identity special interest group, and selected school staff members. Approximately 15 work group members appeared to be in unanimous agreement with the agenda put forward by the special interest group, which includes mandating a number of controversial programs and policies.
No voices of dissent, question, or concern were present at the table, and all research and ideation appears to come from solely transgender & queer resources and advocates.
The Arlington Parent Coalition seeks to involve a more representative selection of voices at the table as the APS school board moves forward on these policies and PIPs. APC also works to support parents as they seek to keep their children safe in public school.