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APS Draft PIP Finally Released

Updated: Apr 13, 2019

Responding quickly to a FOIA request from an APC parent, APS released the J-2 PIP (Policy Implementation Procedure) and associated documents late last night after a School Board meeting where four community members spoke in favor of the PIP adoption, and three spoke on concerns related to the lack of data and research supporting the PIP and/or requesting more information about the process and details regarding this PIP's creation.

APC parents have previously been unsuccessful in attempts to find out more about the specifics of the PIP and the intended path for its adoption, especially with respect to how community input will be gathered and considered. Several APS employees indicated that no such draft yet existed, but during the non-agenda public comments at the April 11 School Board meeting, one teacher in favor of the PIP said she had read it and thanked APS for creating it.

Please find below all the documents APC has received to date associated with this draft PIP. Note that two drafts exist of the PIP, one dated April 8 and the other simply April. April 8 is the most current draft. Where possible resources APS cite for PIP support are given as links. The earlier AGIA proposal (January 9, 2019) is pasted as a doc at the bottom of the list.



Policy Implementation Procedure J-2 PIP-2 Transgender and

Gender Nonconforming Students in Schools

It is the responsibility of each Arlington Public Schools staff member to ensure all students, including transgender and gender nonconforming students, have safe school environments. School staff members are responsible for taking prompt and effective steps to prevent and respond to harassment of any kind including that which is sex-based and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.

All APS staff will be trained on issues relating to transgender and gender non-conforming students. School-based procedures will be disseminated to staff through administrative processes and will address areas indicated below.

Privacy and Educational Records

Information about a students’ transgender or gender non-conforming status, legal name, or gender assigned at birth constitutes confidential personally identifiable and medical information. Disclosing this information to other students or parents or other third parties by an Arlington Public Schools staff member may violate privacy laws, such as the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as constitutional privacy protections. School staff shall not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s transgender or gender non-conforming status to others, including parents or guardians and other school staff, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.

While a student may request that their transgender or gender non-conforming status be kept private, parents of minor students have a right to see all information included in the student’s educational records. Once a student has made a formal change in their status in their permanent educational records, parents may access that information.

Permanent records for students, including a student’s gender, may only be changed with the submission of a legal document such as a birth certificate, passport, or court order. The process for changing any element of a student’s permanent record including a student’s name and gender must follow the same process in Arlington School Board Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions and Placement and Arlington School Board Policy J-15.30 Privacy Rights and Regulations. Appeals to a decision made regarding a change to a student’s permanent record must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning.

APS graduates may change their school records under the same requirements as current APS students.

Names, Pronouns, and Classroom Records

Every student has the right to be addressed by names and pronouns that correspond to the student’s gender identity. Regardless of whether a transgender or gender nonconforming student has legally changed their name or gender, schools will allow students to use a chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their identity.

To ensure consistency, staff will update student classroom records (class rosters for substitutes, etc.) with the student’s chosen name and, where applicable, appropriate gender markers.

Bathrooms and Locker Rooms

Access to facilities that correspond to a student’s gender identity will be available to all students. Single user, gender neutral facilities will be made available to all users who seek privacy, without the need for additional adult permission. Students cannot be required to use a particular facility inconsistent with their gender identity, including single user bathroom facilities.

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities and Athletic Team Student Participation

Students may participate in any co-curricular or extra-curricular activity consistent with their gender identity. Athletic participation regulated by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) must be in compliance with rules outlined by that organization. Any uniform required for participation in a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity including athletics must include a non-gender specific option. Awards designated by Arlington Public Schools for participation in any such activity will also be non-gender specific.

Dress Code

All students must dress according to the constraints of the dress code as outlined by the school. Information regarding appropriate attire for school day and school related activities should be non-gender specific and enforced impartially regardless of a student’s gender identity or gender expression.

Extended Instructional Field Trips or Athletic Events

APS is committed to providing a safe, welcoming school environment where students are engaged in learning because they feel accepted and valued. As part of this commitment to inclusion and equity, when an instructional or extra-curricular or athletic event requires students to be accommodated overnight, students may be assigned to a room consistent with the staff’s knowledge of a student’s gender identity. Any student uncomfortable sharing a sleeping area, shower, bathroom, or any sex-segregated facility, shall, upon request, be provided with a designated safe, non-stigmatizing alternative. APS honors any advance requests by parents or students for roommate preference, without regard to the reason. This includes assignment of a roommate of the same birth gender, as well as the assignment of transgender students to occupy rooms with students with the same gender identity. Arlington Public School staff may not require a student to stay in a single-occupancy accommodation when such accommodations are not required of other students participating in that same event. APS respects the privacy rights of its students and parents and will maintain confidentiality of nonpublic information about students, releasing this information to third parties only when authorized by a parent or student as required by law.


Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions and Placement

Policy J-15.30 Privacy Rights and Regulations.

Policy J-6.8.1 Student Safety - Bullying Harassment Prevention

Virginia High School League Student Eligibility Requirements

National Center for Transgender Equality Model School District Policy on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students, 2018

National School Boards Association Transgender Students in Schools, 2016 (Updated, 2017)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Education Amendments Act of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§1681 – 1688 (Title IX)

Policy Implementation Procedure Adoption and Revision History

Adopted xxxxxxx



Policy Implementation Procedure J-2 PIP-2 Transgender and

Gender Nonconforming Students in Schools

It is the responsibility of each Arlington Public Schools staff member to ensure all students,

including transgender and gender nonconforming students, have safe school environments. School

staff members are responsible for taking prompt and effective steps to prevent and respond to

harassment of any kind including that which is sex-based and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.

Age-appropriate curriculum inclusive of transgender and nonconforming materials or resources

will be utilized by trained Arlington Public School staff members in appropriate curriculum areas.

School-based procedures will be disseminated to staff through administrative processes and will

address areas indicated below.

Privacy and Educational Records

Information about a students’ transgender or gender non-conforming status, legal name, or

gender assigned at birth constitutes confidential personally identifiable and medical information.

Disclosing this information to other students or parents or other third parties by an Arlington

Public Schools staff member may violate privacy laws, such as the Federal Family Educational

Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as constitutional privacy protections. School staff

shall not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s transgender or gender non-

conforming status to others, including parents or guardians and other school staff, unless legally

required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.

While a student may request that their transgender or gender non-conforming status be kept

private, parents of minor students have a right to see all information included in the student’s

educational records. Once a student has made a formal change in their status in their permanent

educational records, parents may access that information.

Permanent records for students, including a student’s gender, may only be changed with the

submission of a legal document such as a birth certificate. The process for changing any element

of a student’s permanent record including a student’s name and gender must follow the same

process in Arlington School Board Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions and Placement and Arlington

School Board Policy J-15.30 Privacy Rights and Regulations. Appeals to a decision made

regarding a change to a student’s permanent record must be made in writing to the Assistant

Superintendent of Teaching and Learning.

Names, Pronouns, and Classroom Records

Every student has the right to be addressed by names and pronouns that correspond to the

student’s gender identity. Regardless of whether a transgender or gender nonconforming student

has legally changed their name or gender, schools will allow students to use a chosen name and

gender pronouns that reflect their identity.

To ensure consistency, staff will update student classroom records (class rosters for substitutes,

etc.) with the student’s chosen name and, where applicable, appropriate gender markers.

Bathrooms and Locker Rooms

Access to facilities that correspond to a student’s gender identity will be available to all students.

Single user, gender neutral facilities will be made available to all users who seek privacy,

without the need for additional adult permission. Students cannot be required to use a particular

facility inconsistent with their gender identity, including single user bathroom facilities.

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities and Athletic Team Student Participation

Students may participate in any co-curricular or extra-curricular activity consistent with their

gender identity. Athletic participation regulated by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) must

be in compliance with rules outlined by that organization. Any uniform required for participation

in a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity including athletics shall be non-gender specific.

Awards designated by Arlington Public Schools for participation in any such activity will also be

non-gender specific.

Dress Code

All students must dress according to the constraints of the dress code as outlined by the school.

Information regarding appropriate attire for school day and school related activities should be non-

gender specific and enforced impartially regardless of a student’s gender identity.

Extended Instructional Field Trips or Athletic Events

When an instructional or extra-curricular or athletic event requires students to be accommodated

overnight, students should be assigned consistent with the staff’s knowledge of a student’s gender

identity. Any student uncomfortable sharing a sleeping area, shower, bathroom, or any sex-

segregated facility, shall, upon request, be provided with a designated safe, non-stigmatizing

alternative. Arlington Public School staff may not require a student to stay in a single-occupancy

accommodation when such accommodations are not required of other students participating in that

same event.


Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions and Placement

Policy J-15.30 Privacy Rights and Regulations.

Policy J-6.8.1 Student Safety - Bullying Harassment Prevention

Virginia High School League Student Eligibility Requirements

National Center for Transgender Equality Model School District Policy on Transgender and

Gender Nonconforming Students, 2018

National School Boards Association Transgender Students in Schools, 2016 (Updated, 2017)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Education Amendments Act of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§1681 – 1688 (Title IX)

Policy Implementation Procedure Adoption and Revision History


AGIA (Arlington Gender Identity Allies) Input for Policy Implementation Procedure:

Topics for Policy Implementation Procedures for Policy J-2

Submitted by Arlington Gender Identity Allies (AGIA), January 9, 2019

Arlington Public Schools (APS) will develop a comprehensive policy addressing the unique

concerns of gender diverse students in its district. This policy will reflect a fundamental respect

for these students and ensure equal access to and safe enjoyment of all APS education


1. Staff Liaisons: Each school APS will designate a person responsible for gender identity

policy implementation and compliance. This person will maintain clear channels of

communication between the school and an appointed Staff Liaison at the County level.

a. Formally designate Official Staff Liaison at each school and at County level

b. Identify a public resource person (may be separate from the Staff Liaison) who

will serve as point of contact for parents and staff on any LGBTQ issues. This

person will have completed training covering physical, social, and emotional

issues specific to LGBTQ students

2. Training: Establish requirements and conduct teacher and staff gender identity training.

a. Require all teachers and administrators to complete initial Kognito online training

b. Require more in-depth professional development on gender identity for APS

administrators, classroom teachers, instructional assistants, and support staff

(similar to previously required cultural competency training and autism training)

i. AGIA suggests Side-by-Side 90-minute courses:

c. Require schools to conduct this training within a year of this PIP being passed

d. Require this training for all new hires before beginning work with students

e. Ensure that counselors have additional training on gender identity, including

medical issues. Elementary counselors who deliver curriculum must complete

higher levels of training

f. At a minimum, create guidelines for substitute teachers and endeavor to have

substitutes complete basic gender identity training

g. Conduct training for librarians to support successful read-alouds

3. Bathrooms: Make gender-neutral bathrooms easily accessible to any student who is

uncomfortable using a shared, gender-segregated facility regardless of reason.

a. There will be at least one gender-neutral facility per floor and per trailer

b. Facilities will be available to all students, regardless of gender identity, and

designated by visible signage (i.e. temporary or permanent signs)

c. Facilities will be available without requiring students to:

i. Travel long distances

ii. Ask a staff member to unlock the door

iii. Use a key or code

iv. Explain themselves to staff members

d. Every bathroom will have in-stall trash receptacles for menstrual products

Topics for Policy Implementation Procedures for Policy J-2 (con’t)

4. Locker Rooms and Changing Rooms: Create workable solutions for locker rooms and

performance space changing rooms including private stalls and gender-neutral locker

rooms with lockers

5. Dress Codes and Uniforms: Adopt gender-neutral dress codes and uniforms.

a. Require all schools to eliminate gendered uniforms for performances, at a

minimum allowing a gender-neutral option for all students (i.e., all black or white

tops with black bottoms)

b. Ensure that all dress code policies have no reference to gender

c. Each school will offer alternatives to the swim unit for gender non-conforming

youth (i.e, HB Woodlawn, which does not require a swim unit)

6. Student Names and Pronouns: Put processes in place that respect gender identity and

name of every student.

a. Regardless of whether or not gender marker has been legally changed, ensure

that the student’s designated gender is used on all forms, including but not

limited to: schedules, class lists, report cards, and transportation letters.

Alternatively, eliminate gender field on all such forms.

b. Ensure that the student’s designated name, gender, and pronouns are used on

all lists throughout the classroom and school administration

c. Create process to expunge records or documents with former name and gender


7. Curriculum: Ensure inclusive curriculum and sensitive delivery of curriculum.

a. Counseling curriculum in elementary years must include gender identity

b. Family Life Education (FLE) and Health curriculum will be revised to recognize

and support the unique needs of transgender and gender non-conforming

students in an age-appropriate manner.

i. Curriculum should include a list of resources on transgender individuals

for all teachers

ii. Anti-bullying curriculum should include language that affirms transgender

and gender non-conforming students

iii. FLE will be inclusive of LGBTQ issues and recognize that bodies and

relationships are varied

c. No teacher or staff member will divide classes by gender except for situations

that require changing into uniforms

8. Access to Resources: Create pathways for parents and students to easily find and

access LGBTQ resources.

a. Make LGBTQ-friendly books available to students in school libraries

b. Use books about transgender people in read-alouds and discussions

c. Create resource lists for the APS website

d. Acknowledge National Coming Out month and Pride month on APS website and

in libraries

e. Share contact information of each school’s LGBTQ public resource officer with

parents and students

9. Privacy and Confidentiality: Ensure that all identifiable and medical information

relating to transgender and gender non-conforming students will be kept confidential in

accordance with applicable laws. (Refer to GLSEN Model Policy, page 4.)


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