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February 27, 2020: National Keep Your Kids Home From School Day

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

The HRC & the public schools are at it again.

Who are we kidding? They never stop.

On Thursday, February 27, the Human Rights Campaign (the lobbying, fundraising, and activism organization that pushes LGB & TQ policies and interests into every aspect of national life) is holding its annual readings of I Am Jazz in public schools across the nation.

If this sounds familiar, it may be that you remember last year’s debacle at Arlington’s Ashlawn Elementary School, as well as hundreds of other elementary schools across the country, where kindergarteners were treated to a reading (by a transgender person no less) of the transgender community’s holy book. I Am Jazz relates, in four-year-old language, the story of a boy who was hormonally and surgically castrated so he could impersonate a girl.

The book fails to mention a number of important things, including the multiple surgeries “Jazz” continues to undergo in attempts to ameliorate the botched horror show that is now this poor young man’s sex organ and urinary tract.

The Arlington Parent Coalition recommends that if parents are not comfortable with children being taught that biology has no bearing on one’s sex, and that “anyone can be anything,” and that “God makes mistakes sometimes,” and that “you may not be the gender your parents said you are,” parents might want to have their children take a sick day on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

If you have not yet submitted a Universal Opt-Out Letter to prevent your child from receiving lessons around this kind of dangerous nonsense, we recommend that you do so immediately. If you have submitted an opt-out, your child should not be exposed to this cause célèbre on February 27 or any other day.

However, in our experience Arlington Public Schools remains consistently unconcerned with either parental permission or children’s protections. So please plan accordingly on Thursday.


Parents, please contact the principal (names & phone numbers of principals at Arlington (VA) Public Schools are listed below) at your child/children’s school and ask:

“Is this school participating in HRC’s ‘Jazz & Friends Day’ on February 27? If this school is not participating, will individual teachers be allowed to participate at their discretion? If this school or an individual teacher is participating, what provisions will be made for students whose parents do not wish them to participate, or whose parents have filed an opt-out for all sexuality and gender training at school?”

Please communicate your principal’s response to the Arlington Parent Coalition at and we will update the school list below so all parents can make an informed decision about their children’s participation in this propaganda event on Thursday.

Thank you for your assistance with this initiative.

As always, working together to keep Arlington’s children safe,

The Arlington Parent Coalition

Abingdon (David Horak 703-228-6650)

According to one teacher "mystery readers" are coming and bringing books to read to students at Abingdon this week. These mystery readers are reported to be parents, but the books they will bring to read are not being vetted ahead of time. Any parent could read any book s/he chooses to read.

UPDATE (2/25, 4:00pm) Principal confirmed there will be no participation/celebration of Jazz Day at Abington.

Arlington Career Center (Margaret Chung 703-228-5800)

Arlington Community High School (Barbara Thompson 703-228-5350)

Arlington Science Focus (Mary Begley 703-228-7670)

Arlington Tech (Margaret Chung 703-228-5800)

Arlington Traditional (Holly Hawthorne 703-228-6290)

The principal is "not aware of anyone participating in this activity." APC recommends confirming with your child's teacher.

Ashlawn (Breonna McClain 703-228-5270)

No parent report from this school yet for 2020, but Ashlawn held readings of "I Am Jazz" to two kindergarten classes in 2019 with attendance by the HRC and NEA. At least one of the two teachers involved still teaches at Ashlawn, and is now a pre-K teacher. The employment status of the other teacher who hosted this event in 2019 is unclear.

Barcroft (Judy Apostolico-Buck 703-228-5838)

Barrett (Ragan Sohr 703-228-6288)

Campbell (Maureen Nesselrode 703-228-6770)

Carlin Springs (Eileen Delaney 703-228-6645)

Claremont (Jessica Panfil 703-228-2500)

(From Principal Jessica Panfil) "Claremont is not participating in this event."

Discovery (Erin Russo 703-228-2685)

The Discovery schedule shows a "kindness" event for Thursday. ("Kindness/Diversity/Equity/Inclusion" are often euphemisms for transgender topics.)

UPDATE (2/26, 9:00am) A parent reported that Discovery is not participating in "Jazz & Friend's Day" on 2/27.

Dorothy Hamm (Ellen Smith 703-228-2910)

Drew (Kimberley Graves 703-228-5825)

Fleet (Francis Legagneur 703-228-5820)

Glebe (Jamie Borg 703-228-6280)

Gunston (Lori Wiggins 703-228-6900)

H-B Woodlawn (Casey Robinson 703-228-6363)

(From Vice Principal Kate Seche) “I have not hear [sic] about classes being taught here by student groups on a specific day, if I hear more, I will call you back. I talked to Casey (Principal) to see if she knew anything, she did not. There was 'Student Fest' where juniors and seniors taught animal science and yoga (recently). Definitely keep in touch if there are any other questions or specific things you know, I am happy to investigate further.”

Hoffman-Boston (Heidi Smith 703-228-5845)

Jamestown (Michelle McCarthy 703-228-5275)

Jefferson (Keisha Boggan 703-228-5900)

Kenmore (David McBride 703-228-6800)

Key (Marleny Perdomo 703-228-4210)

Langston (Mr. James 703-228-5295)

Long Branch (Jessica DaSilva 703-228-4220)

McKinley (Colin Brown 703-228-5280)

McKinley's calendar does not list any events that appear

to be related to HRC Jazz & Friend's Day.

Montessori (Catharina Genove 703-228-8871)

New Directions (Philip Bonar 703-228-2117)

Nottingham (Eileen Gardner 703-228-5290)

Several teachers and a counselor at Nottingham reported that they had no knowledge of HRC's Jazz & Friends Day.

Oakridge (Lynne Wright 703-228-5840)

Randolph (Carlos Ramirez 703-228-5830)

Shriver (Shana Curtis 703-228-6440)

Swanson (Renée Harber 703-228-5500)

The principal at Swanson told a parent she has no idea what HRC "Jazz & Friends Day" is.

Taylor (Harold Pellegreen 703-228-6275)

Tuckahoe (Mitch Pascal 703-228-5288)

Wakefield (Christian Willmore 703-228-6700)

Washington-Liberty (Gregg Robertson 703-228-6200)

Williamsburg (Bryan Boykin 703-228-5450)

A counselor said that there are no plans at Williamsburg for a school-wide event.

Parents may want to confirm with their children's teachers that no in-class events are planned.

Yorktown (Kevin Clark 703-228-5400)

Yorktown's calendar does not list any events related to HRC Jazz & Friends Day.


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