Thanks to everyone who is subscribing and reaching out to ask "What can I do about this?" as we try to make our concerns heard in the schools.
There seem to be two main responses to these new policies on gender dysphoric children in the schools: wholesale approval, or an overwhelming sense of incredulity.
Yes, it really has gone this far this fast.
More parents need to know what's being pushed into the schools, and which will affect every one of the more than 28,000 kids in APS. And we need to start asking questions about what's actually happening in classrooms, and what is being planned for next year and beyond.
To that end, we've created five sample letters that parents can copy and paste (and/or edit as preferred) to send to the APS school board, principals, classroom teachers, P.E./health teachers, and coaches, as well as a sixth letter to send to fellow parents. They are under the tab What You Can Do, as well as linked here:
The school board and principal letters have links on the page to send directly to the appropriate people with just the push of a button. Teachers, PE/Health Teachers, & Coaches can be looked up via the Staff Directory link you'll find next to the sample letters.
It's been said that trying to push back on this aggressive agenda is like trying to stop a tsunami with a bucket. But we don't believe that. No parents should stand for the school system taking away their right to teach and protect their children as they see fit. As more people recognize what is happening in the schools, the tsunami will flow the other direction.
It's time to step up and ALL be heard, Arlington.